Expo Hub
8 min
Customer Talk

on “Building a 
sustainable workforce 
with technology”

About this session

How do you make sure that you can train doctors and nurses in a more accelerated way? “We don’t have 10 years to train the workforce we need,” stressed Nadine Hachach-Haram, Clinical lead for Innovation at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and founder and CEO of digital surgery platform, Proximie. “We must force-multiply learning opportunities through technology.” Clinicians being able to access data, information and second opinions makes surgery safer. Her vision is to use technology to train twice as many surgeons in half the time. But not only that, “it's really about unlocking time for our healthcare workers to do other things and it's about accelerating and doing more with less and maintaining at all points that patients come first, and our healthcare workers and our staff really follow thereafter.”

Achieving operational excellence
Digitalizing healthcare
Innovating personalized care
Patient experience
Transforming the system of care