Expo Hub
9 min

Siemens Healthineers
Shape 24 Spotlight

About this Spotlight

Healthcare access is a human right, and at the foundation of a healthy, sustainable society. With at least 50% of the world’s population unable to access safe, affordable, and timely healthcare services, change is essential. At Siemens Healthineers, we aspire to increase healthcare access and create better outcomes for patients, no matter where they live.

The new Siemens Healthineers Spotlight video explores innovative solutions for improving healthcare access, highlighting ways to reach underserved communities, diagnose illnesses earlier, and boost capacity through education and training.

Watch the video and hear from respected healthcare leaders from India, the U.S. and Egypt on breakthroughs in healthcare. 
For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably.

Designed to improve access to care and to open new opportunities for digital imaging. Versatile X-ray system for easy, intuitive operation at an attractive price.

Setting a new standard at an affordable price. Reliable, high-quality imaging attainable in demanding environments. Small footprint and lightweight portability.

Cost-effective, efficient mammography for early breast cancer detection. Mobile transport capability and high patient throughput enables reaching also underserved communities.

A handheld, wireless solution for blood gas testing at the patient's side, enabling faster decision-making. Particularly suited for underserved and rural regions where access to centralized laboratory solutions can be limited.

We advance sustainability in healthcare.

Robust, and reliable CT scanners with AI-supported guidance. Benefit from reduced lifecycle costs. Actively expand healthcare access via mobile truck deployment.

Disruptively simple approach to MRI that transforms global access to high-value care. Simplified infrastructure with compact size and weight.

Move knowledge, not staff with this innovative software solution for remote scanning assistance.

Experience the transformation towards a more efficient, sustainable, and patient-centered healthcare environment. Benefit from an enduring, performance-oriented relationship, including innovative business models.

As a leading medical technology company, it is our responsibility to make quality and affordable healthcare accessible and available to all.

Learn how healthcare systems around the globe are being continually upgraded and transformed for better access and more equitable care.

How to bring patient-centered care to where health happens. At the Executive Summit 2022 Mark O'Halla explained how Prisma Health reduced costs significantly by increasing the number of mobile care clinics while attempting to eliminate barriers to home-based care.