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9 min

Workforce challenges - Siemens Healthineers  
Shape 24 Spotlight 

About this Spotlight

Workforce shortages are a challenge in every part of the world and these shortages are likely to intensify as workers retire or leave the healthcare sector.

In this Siemens Healthineers Shape 24 Spotlight video, healthcare leaders share how to turn workforce challenges into opportunities by creating an attractive, human centered workplace.

Siemens Healthineers Shape Spotlight offers a unique blend of market expertise and Siemens Healthineers innovations.
Join us and access the knowledge of some of the world´s most respected healthcare thought leaders. Together, we are sharing inspiring ideas and innovative solutions for major challenges faced by healthcare providers today.  

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Creating more value with you

Generative AI can empower you to turn volume-based services into value-based care fit for the future.

Answer to staff shortage and bring flexibility to your operations

A holistic approach from Varian, a Siemens Healthineers Company

Perspectives on leading your healthcare institution through workforce and climate crises