Expo Hub
75 min

Lung screening – from clinical studies to established programs

About this session

During the symposium “Lung screening – from clinical studies to established programs” four different speakers share their knowledge and experience with lung screening.  
Sebastian Schmidt, Head of CT Strategy, Innovation & Medical Affairs at Siemens Healthineers, provides an update about lung screening on European level. Ante Marusic shares his experience three years after the start of lung screening in Croatia. Prof. dr. Rozemarijn Vliegenthart will share her perspectives on challenges and solution in lung screening implementation and Prof. Dr.med. Felix Herth represents the role of pulmonology in lung cancer screening.  

The symposium will be closed with a Q&A session with all speakers together.

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Sebastian Schmidt

Sebastian Schmidt, Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, Germany 

The biggest change in screening programs in the last 20 years: on the 9th of December 2022, the EU council recommended to extend screening programs to lung cancer. There are lung screening activities in many European countries, varying from clinical studies, pilots, and established programs. Due to differences in healthcare systems per country, the setup of a lung screening program will be different in each country. Sebastian Schmidt will give an update about the new EU council recommendation and where do we stand in Europe. His talk will be followed by other speakers from Croatia, Netherlands and Germany, who share their experience with lung screening.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To get up to date on the new EU council recommendation for lung screening
  2. To get informed about the current status of lung screening programs in Europe 
  3. To learn about the practical considerations to start lung screening pilot programs 
Ante Marusic

  Ante Marusic, LCS Team, Zagreb, Croatia

Croatia is the first European country with a nationwide lung cancer screening program since 2020. Since then, already 11.000 participants have participated in the program. The nationwide screening program has been fully integrated in the existing healthcare system. Ante Marusic will share his experience and learnings in setting up a nationwide lung cancer screening program. Current results will also be presented. 

Learning Objectives:

  1.  Learn how lung cancer screening is set up in Croatia
  2. Difficult decisions, hard work and obstacles in setting up and running a nationwide lung cancer screening program.
  3. Challenges in maintaining and improving LCS program quality standard.
Rozemarijn Vliegenthart

Rozemarijn Vliegenthart, Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands

Lung screening in high-risk individuals reduces lung cancer mortality by detecting lung cancer early. Important challenges need addressing to enable successful implementation of lung screening. Many screenees (according to current criteria) will not benefit from screening for lung cancer, while many nodules receive work-up without being malignant. Additional information on screenees and scans, including biomarkers outside of lung nodules, may help in optimizing selection. For accurate biomarker evaluation, also for follow-up, standardization of scan and evaluation protocol is key. The workload to be expected from lung screening is extensive; AI techniques will be crucial to facilitate lung screening. During this session, prof Vliegenthart will share her experience from population studies.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To appreciate the challenges in optimal selection of screenees and suspicious nodules
  2. To understand how AI can be used in lung screening 
  3. To learn the importance of a standardized scan and evaluation protocol
Prof. Herth

Felix Herth, University of Heidelberg, Germany

A European Commission plan aims to improve early cancer detection and treatment. Heidelberg is a hub for cancer research and treatment, and it is It is the largest lung clinic in Europe. Pulmonology plays a pivotal role to companion patients on their journey and it is an important voice in multi-disciplinary tumor boards. What can we expect from lung cancer screening in Europe and which implications will have screening on therapy and interventions?, are questions addressed in this presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Lung cancer screening in Germany and experiences of a large center
  2. The role of pulmonology in the screening process      
  3. Implications and perspectives on therapy

During the symposium “Lung screening – from clinical studies to established programs” four different speakers share their knowledge and experience with lung screening. The symposium will be closed with a Q&A session with all speakers together. 

The symposium is from 09:45 – 11:00 with the following speakers:

Sebastian Schmidt, Head of CT Strategy, Innovation & Medical Affairs at Siemens Healthineers, provides an update about lung screening on European level. Ante Marusic shares his experience three years after the start of lung screening in Croatia. Prof. dr. Rozemarijn Viegenthart will share her perspectives on challenges and solution in lung screening implementation and Prof. Dr.med. Felix Herth represents the role of pulmonology in lung cancer screening. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. To learn how to overcome the practical considerations to start lung screening pilot programs
  2. To understand how AI can be used in lung screening
  3. Implications and perspectives on therapy after starting with lung screening

Keyvisual Vendor Workshop

ECR - March 1, 2023 
At Siemens Healthineers, we are striving to create a world without the fear of cancer. As we address a variety of cancer types, we are re-thinking Breast Care Day in broader terms and have evolved it into a completely new and holistic Cancer Care Day format for ECR 2023.