Theranostics for personalized cancer care
Empowering precision oncology
Theranostics is an innovative concept of personalized therapy that focuses on both the accurate selection of patients and providing them with targeted radioligand therapy to improve their prognosis. It refers to structurally similar diagnostic and therapeutic agents that share a molecular-specific target that involves the use of molecular imaging techniques to identify, personalize, and monitor therapy response. It makes use of pharmaceuticals, such as radioligands, to target and treat specific areas.
Theranostics in comprehensive cancer care demands precision at every step of the patient care pathway.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to theranostics, so no matter where your institution is on its theranostics journey, we want to empower you with the tools you need to plan, implement, and expand your program to meet the demands of tomorrow.
Read real life stories
Theranostics offers personalized care for prostate cancer
A physician’s experience
A patient’s experience
Clinical image gallery
Molecular imaging plays a role in personalizing treatment for prostate cancer, liver cancer, neuroendocrine tumors, and thyroid cancer.
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