Expo Hub
45 min
Vendor Workshop
South Hall, room #5528

Quantitative evaluation of liver using advanced ultrasound imaging techniques

About this session

Fatty liver, known as steatosis, is the abnormal and excessive accumulation of fat globules in the hepatocytes of the liver. 
MAFLD is considered the most common cause of chronic liver disease in children and young adults in middle- and high-income countries, and its frequency is increasing in parallel with obesity.
Currently, NASH is recognized as the fastest growing indication for liver transplantation in young adults in the United States.
The degree and rate of progression of liver fibrosis are important prognostic factors in patients with chronic liver diseases. Precise estimation of the degree of liver fibrosis is important for determining the prognosis, surveillance, and treatment. 

Ultrasound (US) can be used as a primarily technic to detect liver steatosis using high resolution B-mode imaging and high-quality Doppler signal. 
The new Ultrasound Derived Fat Fraction technology (UDFF) provides a significant advantage as a quantitative measurement of liver fat content is performed during the routine abdominal exam. The high correlation of UDFF with the imaging gold standard technic, the MRI-PDFF, is highlighted in this presentation. 
The optimal acquisition and easy UDFF workflow are also addressed during the hands-on session.

RSNA 2023