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Plan Performance
with Asset Planning Session

Asset Planning Session is a unique Siemens Healthineers offering to support you with planning and optimizing the performance of your installed base. Asset Planning Sessions are designed to address challenges in your organization by identifying potential gaps between what the market is doing, what you are doing, and your strategic goals. They help you uncover your assets’ long-term potential:

  • The value of offering new clinical services
  • The savings offered by longer lifecycles
  • The efficiency gain, both in your assets and workflows

Let us together analyze the data from your Siemens Healthineers systems and find out more about your current imaging equipment and its utilization. With this as our basis, we derive your scalable asset management plan. From Options & Upgrades to new or ecoline refurbished equipment – we help you develop asset performance in line with your strategic targets.
Our Asset Planning Session helps you get the most from your investment through continuous development of your assets over their complete lifecycle.

Future trends and developments within your realm of operation are examined and considered within the Market Analysis. This allows you to plan for your organization’s future.
A Utilization Analysis shows your patient throughput, exam times, and volumes for each system. This allows us to create benchmarks to comparable facilities and discuss where your organization may be best-in-class or where workflows or clinical improvements could be proposed.

During a Customer Strategy Discussion we provide a market insight review and listen to your business development strategy and how to address future challenges profitably. The requirement of your facility can include e.g. improving workflows, expanding clinical capabilities, initiatives to reduce radiation or achieving higher patient satisfaction. Your business and clinical needs are the prime focus to align to your strategy and finalizing asset management plans.

The Configuration Overview makes a side by side comparison of your installed Siemens systems. The summary details the system’s age, what options and upgrades are available, and if prerequisites are required.

The Asset Management Plan highlights development opportunities for your installed Siemens systems. Utilize this plan to achieve your defined business goals and stay ahead of the curve. The result of every Asset Planning Session is entirely open. A customized process leads to a customized outcome. Everyone is different.

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